Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Use the drop down box above or simply search the model of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) duct air conditioning fan coil unit that you are installing. A velocity calculator available at the top of the page will help you select the correct size and number of air outlet connections that will suit your needs.

These purpose designed return air filter boxes are designed to fit the Mitsubishi Heavy industries FDUM100 and FDUM140VF1 standard above ceiling ducted...

Manufactured in ABS, these MHI VRF supply air plenum boxes are pre-insulated as standard. Lightweight but with a high impact rating makes this product...

This pre-insulated supply air plenum box suits MHI. Moulded in ABS and then internally lined, this model offers a full selection of spigot size options to...

Manufactured in ABS, these lightweight but strong supply air plenum boxes are pre-insulated. Use the drop down velocity calculator to select the number...

These purpose designed return air filter boxes are designed to fit the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries SRR50 and SRR60ZM-s standard above ceiling ducted unit....

These purpose designed return air filter boxes are designed to fit the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries FDUM70VH standard above ceiling ducted units. Plenums...

These purpose designed return air filter boxes are designed to fit the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries standard above ceiling ducted unit. Plenums are...

Manufactured in ABS, these supply air plenum boxes come pre-insulated. Lightweight but with a high impact rating: easy to handle with no sharp corners.

These specially designed return air filter housings are designed to fit standard Mitsubishi Heavy Industries FDU100,120 and FDU140VH above-ceiling duct...

Manufactured in ABS, these lightweight but strong supply air plenum boxes are pre-insulated. Use the drop down velocity calculator to select the number...

Manufactured in ABS, these supply air plenum boxes come pre-insulated. Lightweight but with a high impact rating: easy to handle with no sharp corners.

Manufactured in ABS, these lightweight but strong supply air plenum boxes are pre-insulated. Use the drop down velocity calculator to select the number...